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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Will You Confess Jesus Here On Earth?

 The days are coming, those days for some, are already here. It is not popular in many circles, in many areas, maybe in your neighborhood, where being sold out for Jesus is, well, not cool. The Bible is trashed, well it’s called not political correct. It is said, You know it discriminates  against homosexuals, lesbians & transgenders. God does have a moral code, the other god, Satan, well he, strives to complete opposite of Father God in every area pertaining to life. If I was struggling to choose between Jesus & Satan, eternal life or eternal damnation, I say for me, eternal life wins every single time alone! Father God’s wisdom is far above any other wisdom offered! Think about it! The 2 rewards offered are completely opposite in every way. If you prefer Satan & all his ways, you spend eternity with him, in his own special place. If you Choose Jesus & all His ways you spend eternity in His own special place. Two very opposite lifestyles. It is all up to us to make our choice! Neither is forced on us! Why anyone would choose to live their days of hell on earth, go to hell at death & live eternity in the lake of fire, makes no sense to me, but hey, it Is a free choice! I will not lie, proclaiming yourself is at times not easy, but the days are coming when great percussions will come for professing Jesus & Standing for God’s Truth & ways! Stand strong! Know your reward is great for not denying Jesus to those who hate both Jesus & you! Remember they hated Jesus first, don’t be surprised when they hate you! Again, stand strong!! Your reward is great!!

 Matthew 10:32-33 (AMP) Therefore, the one who confesses andacknowledges Me before men [as Lord and Savior, affirming a state of oneness with Me], that one I will also confess andacknowledge before My Father who is in heaven. But the one who denies andrejects Me before men, that one I will also deny andreject before My Father who is in heaven.

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Do You Have An Answer?

 There will come a day. This day will come about very soon. The day could very well be tomorrow or even this very day. Someone will come, come to you. They will want to know about the hope you, yes that you, have. What hope is that, you ask? Your hope of Salvation. They see, by observation, that you are different, from the others in this world. You act different. You talk different. They can see this. My question to you: Do you have a testimony of what Jesus has done for you? Can you lead them into the Salvation of Jesus the Christ? It is simple, it is, as we know life changing. Believing in their heart, confessing with there mouth & turning away from those sins! Jesus’ Blood is still sin removing & still washes white as snow! Go to the Book of Romans, get the Salvation Scriptures & fulfill your duty in the harvest of the souls!! The day will come, very-very soon!

1st Peter 3:15 (AMP) But in your hearts set Christ apart [as holy—acknowledging Him, giving Him first place in your lives] as Lord. Always be ready to give a [logical] defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope andconfident assurance [elicited by faith] that is within you, yet [do it] with gentleness and respect.

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Monday, June 28, 2021

Time is short! Do You know Jesus?

 The timing of our Lord, is perfect. He is patient, beyond patient. He has given each of so much time. We have been blessed, to do as we please for so long. He is calling. He is showing us, as the world crumbles around us. Yes, he is in fact showing us very clearly. Time is short. The sin in this world, the evil in this world, the perversion in this world, has just about reached, well, full capacity! Many have been so into this world they have rejected God’s Son, Jesus. They lived for this world & its pleasures! Unfortunately so-so many have died, are now facing the horrible terrors of hell itself. The immense heat, the extraneous darkness, the unstoppable spiritual pain & the deafening noise-the agony heard in the screams! Now, today, this hour, Salvation IS the solution, Salvation should be EVERY Born-Again Christian’s burning desire! Absolutely nothing really-truly matters at this point in time! Oh so many have died a physical death not knowing Jesus, now they are suffering spiritual death-separated from Father God, suffering, burning, screaming in unimaginable agonizing spiritual pain in Hell, then sentenced, on their failure to accept Jesus, their reward, eternal damnation in the lake of fire! Again, our Lord is patient, not wanting anyone to miss out on such a great Salvation! We know Time is short, let us focus on the task at hand, the Father’s business here on earth. Our Theme should be: SALVATION...SALVATION...SALVATION! Sharing Jesus with the lost! Tell others about Jesus! Time is short-very short! Tell everyone about Jesus! You maybe a person’s only hope, only chance to hear about & accept the eternal Salvation offered through Jesus! Think about that!

2nd Peter 3:8-9 (AMP)  Nevertheless, do not let this one factescape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like one day.The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act] andis not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is [extraordinarily] patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Sunday, June 27, 2021

The Day The Lord Has Made

 It is Sunday! It is a beautiful day! It is a day our Lord has made! Today, what do you say, lets have a good day? Today, we will just tune the world & all its craziness, out. We will just focus on the goodness of our Lord, just remain in His security, under His wing. Free your thoughts today from all the chaos of this world. Again, just think upon the goodness of our Lord today. Give Him all your cares, let nothing burden your mind today, tomorrow we will face the cares of that day. Today we “rest” in the Lord. Yes it truly is, the day the Lord has made for you, a beautiful day, this day is the day that the world absolutely positively cannot steal your joy in the Lord. Claim this day, it is your day to focus solely on Jesus. Enjoy!!

Psalm 118:24 (NKJV) This isthe day the Lord has made;(for me)

We (I)will rejoice and be glad in it.

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Do Not Be Deceived

 I have always advocated for the study of the Word of God/hearing by the Word of God. Why? To know the Word for yourself, to have a deep relationship with Jesus! There “was”coming a time, when the door would be open to the great end time deceiving work done by the enemy to fool even the elect if possible! It has cracked open! Don’t be fooled! Let me put it this way. If you have studied the Word for yourself & you hear someone preaching/teaching, & you hear truth, your spirit agrees & you can speak the amen. Now if that Word is twisted, slightly off, then there is that strange feeling, that red flag or even the feeling of being punched in the stomach, you know for yourself it is false, untrue, not aligning with the truth that is within you! So I tell you, Study the Word! Know it! Do not be fooled, be tricked by falsehoods. Now the Word for yourself! Don’t loose such a great Salvation oh so-so close to the finish line! Be not deceived!

2nd Corinthians 11:14-15 (AMP)  And no wonder, since Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. So it is no great surprise if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness, but their end will correspond with their deeds.

God IS GOOD ALL The Time...

Friday, June 25, 2021

Fear NO Evils!

 We are living in strange times, with even more challenging times ahead! We have thought in the past that the enemy has pulled out all stops, but I tell you today, that was mere practice for him. The days ahead are truly dim, frightening, to the carnal eye. But, I tell you, look up to Jesus, walk in the security of the Holy Spirt & the Word of God! Do not step right, nor left, remain firmly on the Kingdom Road! You, yes you, are very precious in the sight of God Himself! The enemy drools at the sight of your faith slipping, your feet moving just an inch to the right or just an inch to the left! Again, stand firm in your walk of faith! Walk solidly, firmly by faith, don’t let your heart be troubled by what those carnal eyes see! Don’t allow your flesh to rise up overtaking your spirit! Be bold, be strong in the Lord Jesus the Christ! Never forgetting I can overcome somethings? NO! ALL things THROUGH Jesus! For He IS my strength through this dark, perverse, enemy controlled world in these last days before we reside in His Glory forever & ever!!(Philippians 4:13). There is absolutely nothing to fear while walking in this world to the truly Born-Again Child of the Most High God!! Amen! 

Psalm 27:1-3 (AMP) The Lord is my light and my salvation—

Whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the refuge and fortress of my life—

Whom shall I dread?

When the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh,

My adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell.

Though an army encamp against me,

My heart will not fear;

Though war arise against me,

Even in this I am confident.

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Thursday, June 24, 2021


 Things are moving very quickly, the spirit world is rushing for the current age to pass. Everything is pointing to Jesus appearing in the clouds. Something is about to begin. That something is scoffers coming forth asking where is this appearing of Christ? It was all a lie! You have been fooled! Which is a good thing as these are just another sign that our labor here on earth is coming to a close! Be prepared, be ready & be unmoved from what you shall see & what you shall hear! Your faith in & on Jesus the Christ will be tested! The plan is, has always been to get you away from Jesus, His Word, His Holy Spirit, His Salvation, to bring you to the dark side separating you from Father God Himself! The Gospel of Jesus the Christ, the Cross of Christ, the shed Blood of Christ, the Word of God the name of Jesus & your testimony is the strength, is the power, that has held & will always hold the victory over the enemy! Stand firm, stand tall & let not your heart be troubled for you are the walking, you are the talking victorious vessel of the Lord Jesus the Christ!!

2nd Peter 3:3-7 (AMP) First of all, know [without any doubt] that mockers will come in the last days with their mocking, following after their own human desires  and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming [what has become of it]? For ever since the fathers fell asleep [in death], all things have continued [exactly] as they did from the beginning of creation.” For they willingly forget [the fact] that the heavens existed long ago by the word of God, and the earth was formed out of water and by water, through which the world at that time was destroyed by being flooded with water. But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly people.

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Don’t Quit So Close To the Finish Line

 We are about to step into, that moment when deception appears. So great of a deception it could, if possible fool even the elect!(Matthew 24:24). There will come a time very-very soon when there will be a major falling away from Jesus, His ways & His Truth. We have seen a large number step away, turning to the world, but, the day approaches when there will be a huge falling away from the ways & things of Christ. This will be the “great apostasy”(2 Thessalonians 2:3). It would be beyond sad to reject such a wonderful Salvation just before the finishing line! To turn away when so-so close to the ultimate victory & be left behind facing hell’s fury on this earth! Stay on the narrow path, let not the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus the Christ slip from you, allow the Holy Spirit to do His work through you, remain expected/patient in prayer, do not stop studying/meditating on the word of God & do not let your faith/compete trust in Jesus slip away or leave you! Stand strong in Christ & on His Word! Victory is yours through Jesus the Christ!!

2nd Timothy 2:15 (KJV) Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Time Is Short

 We are nearing the end, the end of living this present life on earth. We have just reached the point in time, where we have either accepted Father God’s Son or have decided that His Salvation, His Blessings & the eternal life is not what we want. But, chose to receive the blessings of Satan himself, eternal damnation! The Trump has not sounded, so there is still time to accept Jesus! But know He WILL come as a That robber in the night for those who are truly His! Get prepared, get yourself ready, be watchful, be hopeful & stand in readiness for that moment of time when Jesus appears in the clouds. Will He find you going about Kingdom Business or worldly business? Will He find you devoted to the television or to His Word? Will He find faith? Begin sharing Jesus with those around you! You maybe their only chance of eternal Salvation! Don’t allow them to continue their walk on that broad path that leads to everlasting damnation! Be the light in a world engulfed in darkness!!

Luke 10:2 (AMP) He was saying to them, “The harvest is abundant [for there are many who need to hear the good news about salvation], but the workers [those available to proclaim the message of salvation] are few. Therefore, [prayerfully] ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Monday, June 21, 2021

Are You Ready?

 I fully believe Jesus will come/appear in the clouds at any moment/in a moment we do not expect. Who is prepared? Who is watching? Who has remained Rock solid in their walk of faith? Who is so captivated by this world/things of this world that they cannot see past their worldly fancies? I tell you, the Tribulation period will be no cake walk! It will be a time of horrors beyond imagination! Stay awake in the spirit! Remain alert! Know the signs of the spiritual seasons! Let not your faith slip! Time draws near to the end of this present Church age. Do NOT miss out, do NOT be left behind! Do NOT loose heart, for the Comforter is with us, the Holy Spirit! He WILL lead, guide & direct each of us, if we allow Him too!! Be ready, walk by faith NOT by sight & remain alert as the day draws near!!

Luke 12:39-40 (AMP)   “But be sure of this, that if the head of the house had known at what time the thief was coming, he [would have been awake and alert, and] would not have allowed his house to be broken into.You too, be continuallyready; because the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect.”

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Happy Fathers Day!

 I’ve heard many times in the past that Father God is a very heavy task Master. If I do wrong He will get me! Or, they have come to the conclusion that their earthly Father has been horrible to them, so Father God is horrible also. The Bible is clear, if you have seen, if you know Jesus, you know Father God! John 14:9 (AMP) Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you for so long a time, and you do not know Me yet, Philip, norrecognize clearly who I am? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father?’ A personal relationship with Jesus is key in knowing the Father. 

Hebrews 1:3 (AMP) The Son is the radiance andonly expression of the glory of [our awesome] God [reflecting God’s Shekinah glory, the Light-being, the brilliant light of the divine], and the exact representation andperfect imprint of His [Father’s] essence, and upholding andmaintaining andpropelling all things [the entire physical and spiritual universe] by His powerful word [carrying the universe along to its predetermined goal]. When He [Himself and no other] had [by offering Himself on the cross as a sacrifice for sin] accomplished purification from sins andestablished our freedom from guilt, He sat down [revealing His completed work] at the right hand of the Majesty on high [revealing His Divine authority]. The love our Father in Heaven is the same love Jesus shares with each of us, that love is called “Agape”. This “Agape” love is the very deepest form of love! In John 3:16 we see the Father’s “Agape” love expressed: “For God so [greatly] loved anddearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes andtrusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life. Get to know Jesus intimately, then you will know the Father intimately! Understand how Jesus loves you, then you will know the Father’s love for you! There is no greater love than what Father God has for you! 

1 John 3:1 (AMP) See what an incredible quality of love the Father has shown to us, that we would [be permitted to] be named andcalled andcounted the children of God! And so we are! For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. Receive the Father’s love today! Happy Father’s day to my/our Father in Heaven! And Happy Fathers’ day to all the fathers here on earth!!

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Holy Spirit

 We live in a very troubling time. We live in a time, in my opinion, that is a time far worse than during the days of Noah. Evil abounds, evil is growing daily. Troubles come wave after wave. Truly, the only hope in all this is, Jesus! He IS the only way, He IS the only hope & He IS the only place to go to! There are many things we MUST know to navigate through these times of a complete mess of a world! If the veil was pulled back, if we could see what is really behind many men & women in our own government, let alone those in other countries, shocked would be the least of our emotions! We MUST dig in, look into the Word of God(Bible), like never before. It MUST be read aloud, so it gets into our spirit, so the Holy Spirt can work with it, so it will bubble up-come forth from your mouth to come against the pure evil that is being released more & more into this earth! Hearing the Word increases your faith!(Romans 10:17). When you accepted Jesus, you gained the Holy Spirit, Jesus left the earth, after being raised from the dead & He is seated at the Right hand of the Father! He did NOT leave us alone here on earth, absolutely NOT! He left us the Comforter, the Teacher, the Holy Spirit, Who is God also, not only to comfort us, but to lead, but to guide, but to direct and to bring into remembrance the things Jesus spoke, to overcome evil & walk in victory until Jesus meets us in the clouds at The sounding of the Trump! Dig into the Bible like never before! Don’t be counted with those deceived as foretold I’m Matthew 24:24! Rely on the Holy Spirit as you study the Bible like never before! Don’t be a fallen Saint in the great end time deception to come!

John 14:26 (NKJV) But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Friday, June 18, 2021

Which Do You Choose?

 If you were to die at this very moment, would you land in Heaven or land in Hell? There are two kinds of people here on earth: Those that know/have accepted Jesus, they are heaven bound! The other, do NOT know/have NOT accepted Jesus, they are Hell bound! Hell & it’s inhabitants will be cast into the Lake of Fire one day! It will be for eternity, forever & ever! Physical death is one thing, it’s just our fleshly body, but, that spiritual death, is complete separation from God & ALL His benefits! Spiritual death brings for unimaginable pain/agony 24/7 365 days & nights per year! Though time won’t matter anymore, for there will not be one moment of relief! We make our choice here on earth. Simply put, Choose Jesus, gain eternal spiritual life! Choose Satan, gain eternal spiritual damnation! My advice, choose Jesus! You may think this is hell on earth, well, you have not seen Hell!

Romans 6:23 (AMP) For the wages of sin is death, but the FREE gift of God [that is, His remarkable, overwhelming gift of grace to believers] is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 10:9-10 (AMP) Because if you acknowledge andconfess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord [recognizing His power, authority, and majesty as God], and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart a person believes [in Christ as Savior] resulting in his justification [that is, being made righteous—being freed of the guilt of sin and made acceptable to God]; and with the mouth he acknowledges andconfesses [his faith openly], resulting in andconfirming [his] salvation.

If you have not had the opportunity to accept Jesus, or unsure you did, read this aloud. This is serious, you must mean it in your heart(your spirit). It is a very simple prayer that changes both your life & your destiny! Read aloud & mean it! Our God is an all-knowing God, there is no fooling Him!

Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior.In your name Jesus! Amen Amen & Amen! 

Thank You Jesus for Saving me, thank You that the Holy Spirit lives in me & thank You Father God for sending Your Son to Save me!!

Welcome to the Family of God & welcome to eternal life! 

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Give ALL Your Cares To Jesus

 One thing is for sure. This life here on this earth has grown, grown in the area of stresses, very burdensome! Burdens have stacked on burdens. These burdens, these cares have choked off the joy, the victory in Jesus! We have allowed the cares of this present life to bring forth heavy pressures in our minds & in our hearts, causing our souls(mind/will/emotions) to undergo heavy-heavy stress! We actually take on one of the perfect works of Jesus, that being, dealing with our cares! He is very clear: Cast your cares on Me! By holding on to those cares it allows the enemy an opening to work, work against you! Don’t give the enemy even one inch, he will take it & more! Keep ALL doors closed! Give the enemy no place to work in your life. The enemy is looking for opportunities where he can distract you from Jesus & His Word, keep you burdened down so you don’t reach out for His help. Again, don’t give the enemy even one inch to keep you from your walk with Jesus!! Remember the enemy comes to steal to kill and to destroy in every single area of your life! Jesus came for YOU to have life, a MORE abundant life through Him! (John 10:10). Cast, throw, give Jesus your cares, so you can be free of stress! Oh how He cares for YOU & for me!!

1st Peter 5:6-7 (AMP) Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God [set aside self-righteous pride], so that He may exalt you [to a place of honor in His service] at the appropriate time,casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully].

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Are You Ready?

 I’ve been hearing much talk on how we, as Born-Again Christians WILL be part of Tribulation. I ask the question, Just what are we Saved from? We are not counted with the unbelievers. I’m not here to argue, Pre-Trib/Mid-Trib/Post-Trib, but I will say we would be following a very unjust God if we must walk through the wrath that is going to be falling on this earth very soon! He is NOT unjust! I know this much, there will be a catching away (rapture) of the saints before that great terrible period of the last 3 1/2 years of Tribulation. Time is short-very short! This evil world holds nothing for us! Don’t share in their wrath!!

1st Thessalonians 5:6-11 (AMP) So then let us not sleep [in spiritual indifference] as the rest [of the world does], but let us keep wide awake [alert and cautious] and let us be sober [self-controlled, calm, and wise]. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who are drunk get drunk at night. But since we [believers] belong to the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope and confident assurance of salvation. For God has not destined us to [incur His] wrath [that is, He did not select us to condemn us], but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died [willingly] for us, so that whether we are awake (alive) or asleep (dead) [at Christ’s appearing], we will live together with Him [sharing eternal life]. Therefore encourage and comfort one another and build up one another, just as you are doing.

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Examine Yourself

Studying the Word, meditating on the word, are keys to maintaining the walk of faith. Your faith, which comes by hearing & hearing by the Word of God.(Romans 10:17). So as you study the Word, read it aloud! During your study time also, “check” yourself, “examine” yourself, giving yourself full assurance YOU are walking in the Christian Lifestyle, and walking in that faith Jesus is looking for as YOU tread through this present evil world! Not by the world’s standards, but the standards of God, which is found in His Word, the Bible! Time is short, examine yourself, giving yourself FULL assurance that you truly are living the God ordained lifestyle as presented in the Bible! The responsibility falls on you alone!

2nd Corinthians 13:5 (AMP) Test andevaluate yourselves to seewhether you are in the faith andliving your lives as [committed] believers. Examine yourselves [not me]! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves [by an ongoing experience] that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test andare rejected as counterfeit?

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Monday, June 14, 2021

Trust In Our Lord

 Trusting in worldly wisdom is, well at best, short lived & will not sustain a long term, everlasting victory. Remember also, the wisdom of this world, comes from the god of this world! Look to God’s Word, turn to God’s Truth, the Bible! Open that Bible, apply its wisdom to your life’s struggles, your life’s questions & walk in the peace knowing that it provides perfect knowledge! Be more than an overcomer over the stresses & pressures of this present evil world! The Bible holds ALL your answers!

Proverb 3:5-6 (AMP) Trust in andrely confidently on the Lord with all your heart

And do not rely on your own insight orunderstanding.

In all your ways know andacknowledge andrecognize Him,

And He will make your paths straight andsmooth [removing obstacles that block your way].

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Signs Follow Those Who Believe

 If your waiting on a pastor, if your waiting on an evangelist, a prophet, or a minister of any kind, you might just be in wait till Jesus returns in the clouds! Signs follow after those who believe! If you truly are Born-Again, you can use the name of Jesus. The name above all names! At the name of Jesus, EVERY knee Must bow its knee! Sickness has a name! Pain has a name! There is NO name equal or above the name of Jesus! Jesus, the only name demons respond too! Again, signs “Follow-After” those who are Born-Again! No Ordination paper NOR any minsters’ credentials  papers “lock” one into having “signs” following that person! The authority, the power that comes from a Born-Again Christian is the very same power that raised Jesus from the grave!! That “power” is by & through the Holy Spirt to overcome the works of darkness!! It can, it will & does flow the Born-Again Believer! Tap into it!!

Mark 16:17-18 (AMP)  “These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will get well.”

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Blessings & Curses

 Blessings & Curses. What do they really mean? Well, to be “Blessed”, God is “working” with you! And, to be “Cursed”, God is “working” against you! It looks like our United States is “Cursed”, the citizens of this nation are therefore “Cursed”! Oh, you then say, I’m “Cursed” by God also! I say, WAIT! Back the truck up! We are citizens of Heaven & citizens of the Kingdom of God FIRST! We are highly-favored & abundantly BLESSED as Children of the Most High God!! Even though the nation may be “Cursed” for pushing God aside! But, we are NOT counted among those whose are perishing in their road to utter darkness, that place, Hell itself!

Philippians 3:20 (AMP)  But [we are different, because] our citizenship is in heaven. And from there we eagerly await [the coming of] the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Deuteronomy 28:1-2 (AMP)  “Now it shall be, if you diligently listen to andobey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all of His commandments which I am commanding you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you pay attention to the voice of the Lord your God.

What Blessings? Read verses 3-13.

Warning comes in verse

14: (AMP) Do not turn aside from any of the words which I am commanding you today, to the right or to the left, to follow and serve other gods. 

If you choose to follow the ways of the world, if the things of the world interest, entertain & you love those things more than God & His offerings, then, well, the “Curse” will  move freely within your life!

Deuteronomy 28:15 (AMP) But it shall come about, if you do not listen to andobey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all His commandments and His statutes which I am commanding you today, then all these curses will come upon you and overtake you:

Not the Blessings flowing but the Curses flow through your life! I know  that I choose Blessing! How about you?

You can read for yourselves the horrible troubles you allow to be at work in your life! Deuteronomy 28:16-68. Sounds like hell on earth to me!! But, it is a free choice! Don’t reject the “Blessings” of our Wonderful Lord! The world holds nothing but despair, the pleasures it offers is but for a moment! The god of this world offers no hope, no eternal lasting glory, just shame, pain & eternal damnation!

I have spent hours in the fire, I’ve spent moments of time in the glory of God, those moment made up for the hours in the fire, we cannot fathom eternity in that glory, it will be something for sure! The Glory of God, totally immersed in His presence & Agape Love!

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Friday, June 11, 2021

The Greatest Threat

 There has been much talk about the greatest threat against the USA. We can say, China. We can say, Russia. Some have said, climate change. But I say, lets look at it from a different point of view. How about s “spiritual” viewpoint? The Nation is part. Of the threat. We the People, are part, of the threat. Those in high positions within government, are the threat. The threat, brought on by the rejection of God Himself! It is a spiritual problem. If we are, one nation under God, who it be beneficial to seek Him? For Wisdom, Understanding & Direction? To honor Him? To give Him place? To invite Him into His land? Then it would be a case: If God be for us, be with us, who could stand against us? (Romans 8:31). Yet He is rejected into the very place He created, by people He created!

There would still be time to repent, yet, so-so many reject Him & place themselves about Him & His perfect counsel! 

Joel 2:12-13 (AMP) Even now,” says the Lord,

“Turn and come to Me with all your heart [in genuine repentance],

With fasting and weeping and mourning [until every barrier is removed and the broken fellowship is restored];

Rip your heart to pieces [in sorrow and contrition] and not your garments.”

Now return [in repentance] to the Lord your God,

For He is gracious and compassionate,

Slow to anger, abounding in lovingkindness [faithful to His covenant with His people];

And He relents [His sentence of] evil [when His people genuinely repent].

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Do NOT Neglect

 To be truly Born-Again, the Holy Spirit would have done His perfect work within your inner man, your true self, your spirt! 

John 3:3 (AMP) 

Jesus answered him, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless a person is born again [reborn from above--spiritually transformed, renewed, sanctified], he cannot [ever] see and experience the kingdom of God.”

That perfect work of the Holy Spirit takes place when you have “surrendered” yourself to the “FREE” gift of Salvation offered by the Heavenly Father through Jesus! The Holy Spirit does the transformation removing the curse, of the law of sin & death , over to this thing called the grace of Christ! Translated from spiritual death(separation from God Himself) to life in Christ! Eternal life of your true self-spirit! Just like God is three in one, we are made in God’s imagine-spirit our true self/our inner man, we have a soul-which is our mind/will & emotion, lastly we are housed in this physical body of flesh. The flesh will not be “redeemed” until the trump sounds & in a twinkling of an eye we shoot into the sky, our bodies are “glorified” & we meet Jesus in the clouds!! You don’t want to be left behind for the terrors, for hell to be unleashed! 

Do NOT shun your salvation!!

Hebrews 2:1-4 (AMP) For this reason [that is, because of God’s final revelation in His Son Jesus and because of Jesus’ superiority to the angels] we must pay much closer attention than ever to the things that we have heard, so that we do not [in any way] drift away from truth. For if the message given [b]through angels [the Law given to Moses] was authentic and unalterable, and every violation and disobedient act received an appropriate penalty, how will we escape [the penalty] if we ignore such a great salvation [the gospel, the new covenant]? For it was spoken at first by the Lord, and it was confirmed to us and proved authentic by those who personally heard [Him speak], [and besides this evidence] God also testifying with them [confirming the message of salvation], both by signs and wonders and by various miracles [carried out by Jesus and the apostles] and by [granting to believers the] gifts of the Holy Spirit according to His own will.

Time is short, very short, Get in, stay in the “right” standing with Father God! Ask forgiveness, repent, for the Blood of Christ still washes you white as snow!!!

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Do NOT Be Deceived!

 Understand, trying times are coming. The enemy will move, act & look just like angels of light & if at all possible to fool even the most devout Christian! 

2nd Corinthians 11:14-15 (AMP) And no wonder, since Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. So it is no great surprise if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness, but their end will correspond with their deeds.

Matthew 24:23-25 (NKJV) Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here isthe Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it.For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand.

Stay grounded in the Word of God (Bible)! Do not be swayed/entertained by a feel (good) watered-down-powerless teaching(s)! 

2nd Timothy 3:16-17 (AMP) All Scripture is God-breathed [given by divine inspiration] and is profitable for instruction, for conviction [of sin], for correction [of error and restoration to obedience], for training in righteousness [learning to live in conformity to God’s will, both publicly and privately—behaving honorably with personal integrity and moral courage]; so that the man of God may be complete andproficient, outfitted andthoroughly equipped for every good work.

Do NOT be counted among those who have turned away from the faith! Reject false teachings! Stay grounded in the Word of God, Do NOT be mislead! There is/will be NO excuse, for the Truth of the Bible is are defense, the name of Jesus is our defense, the Holy Spirit is our defense, our testimony is or defense, our prayer is our defense! We have the weapons of warfare, they are mighty in Christ Jesus!

1st Timothy 4:1-2 (AMP) But the [Holy] Spirit explicitly andunmistakably declares that in later times some will turn away from the faith, paying attention instead to deceitful andseductive spirits and doctrines of demons, [misled] by the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared as with a branding iron [leaving them incapable of ethical functioning].

Time is short, very short! Get your Bible out, Study it like never before, repent, pray & get back on that Gospel Train, it’s going to be a wild ride!!

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Choose the Winning Team!

 Everyone wants to be on the winning side. That is even more important when it come to our eternal life & death! Eternity is a long-long time! Choose to be counted with Jesus NOT counted with satan! Time is short! Choose Jesus today, for tomorrow just could be too late! Don’t gamble with your eternity!

1st John 5:4 (AMP) For everyone born of God is victorious and overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has conquered and overcome the world—our [continuing, persistent] faith [in Jesus the Son of God].

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Are YOU Firmly On The Right? OR Left?

 Jeremiah 1:12b Tells us: “I am watching over My word to perform it.” Our Lord is listening, is watching over His Word for the purpose of making it come to pass!

Locking in, standing on & speaking aloud Bible verses is key to “walking” in the power of God. This Power of God working in its infinite overcoming power has been muzzled over the last few years. Not only have church leaders backed away from applying God’s Power in speaking, in praying God’s Word aloud, they have rejected, pushed away & in many cases have not allowed the Holy Spirit to move freely. Church leaders have/are leading their people on that very broad-very wide road leading to hell itself. Entertaining the world in Church services is allowing the devil to move, not the Holy Spirit! There is a new day dawning! The time of fulfillment is nearly upon us. Heaven is very real & hell is very real. The days of being a Christian & living like the world are over. The time is now to pick & to choose. Matthew 25:31-46, left or right, it’s the choice each of us make! Will Jesus tell you to go right or tell you to go  left?

God IS Good ALL The Time...

Who Do YOU Choose?

 John 8:36 (AMP) Clearly Tells us: “So if the Son makes you free, then you are unquestionably free.” If you have made Jesus the Lord of your life, and you did when you accepted Him as your Lord & as your Savior, then, YOU are free from the powers of darkness-they may cause you irritation from time to time, BUT, that darkness MUST flee at the speaking of the Name, that name which YOU have been given the “authority” to use & speak, that name? Is JESUS! In the years past we have experienced “evil” on the earth, but, today evil has grown, darkness abounds greater! Does that mean the Holy Spirit is weaker? I tell you, Absolutely Positively NOT! The unfortunate thing concerning this is, because the Bible in many places has been “watered” down, the gifts of the Spirit have been pushed aside & in way too many places the Believer’s authority has not been taught! Bible study, prayer & the encouragement of one believer to another has been choked off due to busy lives, cares of the world & the belief nothing exciting is happening in the Christian world. Eyes have been taken off Jesus, the time spent studying the Bible is replaced with entertainment & Church attendance replaced with sleeping in on Sunday mornings to recoup from the hectic week serving the world & not about the Father’s business. There was a time, believe it or not, Sunday morning Church was the “thing” that encouraged & that energized you for the week ahead. Sunday night Church uplifted you & Wednesday night Church recharged your battery for the rest of the week! Throw a prayer meeting in & a Bible study, that was a solid week building & encouraging the faith walk! But, it’s sad to say, the world-the enemy won a battle! Took the eyes of manny off the prize! Time is short, folks, shorter than we can image. It is time to repent, ask Jesus to forgive our lustful desires that turned our attention from Him, get back on that narrow road that leads to Heaven! I know that I want no part of the lake of fire forever & ever! I choose Jesus & His ways! Remember John 8:36 Jesus will set YOU free from the lusts of the world, its evil darkness & its lustful desires & place YOUR feet solidly on the faith path leading to eternal security with Him, NOT, eternal damnation with the devil himself! Choose today, time is short!! Joshua 24:15 (AMP)  “If it is unacceptable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you live; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Do YOU choose Jesus or the world & its god the devil?

God IS Good ALL The Time...

No Surprise!

 It is no surprise that Church attendance has plummeted, even before Covid hit. There was a movement away from Bible Truth, the false attractiveness of the world, the false wisdom of the world, choked off the Wonder Working Power of the Bible. Many put their “trust” in worldly wisdom instead of the infinite Wisdom, the infinite Truth & the infinite overcoming power of the Word of God! We were warned by God Himself! All I can say is: We must repent now & return to our first love, JESUS! Before it’s too late! 

Hebrews 2:1-4 (AMP) For this reason [that is, because of God’s final revelation in His Son Jesus and because of Jesus’ superiority to the angels] we must pay much closer attention than ever to the things that we have heard, so that we do not [in any way] drift away from truth. For if the message given through angels [the Law given to Moses] was authentic andunalterable, and every violation and disobedient act received an appropriate penalty, how will we escape [the penalty] if we ignore such a great salvation [the gospel, the new covenant]? For it was spoken at first by the Lord, and it was confirmed to us andproved authentic by those who personallyheard [Him speak], [and besides this evidence] God also testifying with them [confirming the message of salvation], both by signs and wonders and by various miracles [carried out by Jesus and the apostles] and by [granting to believers the] gifts of the Holy Spirit according to His own will.

God IS Good ALL The Time...