You know we are moving through this life, at breakneck speeds. Not really paying attention to very much except what we are focused on. At one time, we were on fire for God & the things of God. That fire, is at best, for many, just some coals that are no longer red, but white ash. Many have thought, where is the promise of His return? Where is the life changing preaching? Where is the exciting Spirit moving worship? Even the Churches who rejected the alter of prayer, the alter of Salvation & the alter of repentance has replaced these with the stage of entertainment! Now the Churches are asking a question, that question is: where are the people? I thought we were entertained the people? I have heard preachers speak from a secular books from the pulpit, no Bible in sight. The Word is clear: faith comes by hearing & hearing by the Word of God.(Romans 10:17). It is of no wonder that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not flowing in their fullness! It is of no wonder the people cannot call on the elders, for prayer, when sick, to be anointed, call on the name of the Lord & the prayer of faith will heal them! (James 5:15-16). But, unfortunately, faith is less than the grain of a mustard seed & prayer for the sick does not happen much anymore, it gets in the way of the entertainment! Right now, the Believer’s Authority, at best, is weak so many Christians live in fear! I personally thing that fear should be directed toward God Himself. Why? Many professing Christians live a life away from the morals & ways of God, they look more like the world than set apart peculiar people! No reason to fear the enemy, Jesus already defeated him! If you are going to fear, fear that you have backslid, & if you keep going the way you are headed, you could loose it all & find yourself slid into Hell! (Matthew 10:28). My prayer is that you will kindle that fire again, before it is too late! Read that Bible for all it is worth! Spend daily time in prayer! Stand upright, strong in the Lord, rejecting the worldly enticing fleshly pleasures & grow in both faith & spirit! Time is short! You will want to be counted with the “wheat” & be placed in the safety of the “barn”! NOT with the “tares” which are the unrepentant & thrown in the fire(Hell). Repent TODAY! Build your faith TODAY! Live God’s morally upright lifestyle TODAY! Go after the things of God & reject the spirit crushing ways of this present evil world TODAY!
Matthew 3:12 (AMP) His winnowing fork is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clear out His threshing floor; and He will gather His wheat (believers) into His barn (kingdom), but He will burn up the chaff (the unrepentant) with unquenchable fire.”
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