Heavenly Father, forgive me for talking negatively, for speaking perverse things.
In the name of Jesus, I will not be ensnared by those things that have come out of my mouth. I refuse to express myself with perverse things. In the name of Jesus, every negative thing, every perverse thing, every evil communication that has come out of my mouth I negate with the Word of God.
Thank You, Father, for seeing to it that every negative thing that I have spoken has been erased from this moment by the power of Your Word.
I no longer say I am scared to death because fear is of the enemy and I do not belong to him. I am a believer, full of faith and life. I'm not afraid because You are on my side. What can man do to me? What can evil spirit do to me? If You are for me, who can be against me?
satan, in the name of Jesus, you will NOT use anything I have spoken contrary to faith, contrary to the positive profression of the power of Christ working in me, you will NOT use anything against me, for my slate is clean.
Thank You Lord, that it is done. Henceforth I will NOT speak stan's lies, but I will speak forth Your truth-Your Word-and I will live the abundant life that You have provided for me through Jesus Christ, my Lord. In the name of Jesus I thank You...Amen..Amen..and Amen..
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