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Tuesday, January 1, 2008



Recently as I was spending some "personal" time with our Lord, He spoke this to me: I require three things of you. The Scripture Micah 6:8 expresses the following to each of us: "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

The three things our Lord requires of us are:

1. ACT JUSTLY: We must be fair and honest in all our dealings with others. The key to our walk, we must walk upright; we must not be double-minded, in the world others (non-christians) see us as strange, which we are as we are foreigners here in this world, strangers! We must take to heart II Corinthians 13:5. Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourself. Now to act justly are you acting, living, walking, ministering in love? Interesting, how our love walk must be in accordance with our walking justly. For without love there is not only no gain, but, I am nothing without love (1 Corinthians 13). Now! Let us as children of the most high God be fair and honest in all we do and walk upright in love.

2. LOVE MERCY: We must show genuine compassion and mercy (kindness) to those in need, desire to do good to others. We as Christians share what we have learned about the word and about God to others, mercy should be included in this also. Our Lord has put love in front of mercy here. Let's face it, Father God showed us great mercy by sending His son Jesus to us, not only to die in our places, but to be healed, then also defeating satan and giving that victory to us. I could go on and on about the mercy He has shown to me alone, now we must do the same to others. The time is NOW! We must quit ridiculing others, speaking bad about others, we must forgive, true forgiveness must be as is done in love (Colossians 3:13-14). Bare with each and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them (us) together in perfect unity. Now remember, show mercy to others, as Jesus spoke in Matthew 18:21-22: "Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, 'Lord how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?' Jesus answered, 'I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-times-seven.!" Love mercy.

3. WALK HUMBLY WITH GOD: I must humble myself daily before Him in godly fear and reverence for His will, to walk in constant prayer and watchfulness. Now first we (I), must humble myself, or in any terminology, humble means to take my opinions out of the equation, I must align my will with our Lord's will, for our Lord knows all and sees all and all success is in Him, for apart from Jesus I can do nothing. Secondly, I must be in a conscience state of godly fear - not frightened by Him, but like a child not wanting to disappoint a parent. Thirdly, God's will is perfect and is the best to getting the job done properly, I respect His judgment so I do not interfere with the plan or will. Now, fourthly, I must be in constant prayer. Prayer is communication with God-He wants and desires our fellowship--talk to Him as He is your "best" friend. If He isn't your best friend, He should be. Father God is personable and approachable. You are His son or daughter--call Him "ABBA Father" or "Daddy" constant prayer - constant chat! He will lead and guide you and desires to! Be watchful, as you talk with others, "doors" will open during the conversation, when they are troubled, that's your open door. Step in and minister to them and pray for them. Now walking humbly with God means also not being more than I am, but not being less than I am also. Be not proud! God oppresses the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

1 comment:

LeahG said...

This is the stuff I am looking for. I have a church activity and I had to write a speech about Micah 6:8 please keep on doing this it is wonderful.